Cloth Simulation
Cloth simulation was always an interesting simulation for me. I have finally found time to experiment on this beautiful simulation. I have used famous “Mass-Spring Model” to obtain cloth behavior as discussed in literature [1].
As its name suggests “Mass-Spring” models cloth using particles with mass information where each particle is connected with series of springs to their neighbors. In my implementation, I basically generated a 2D grid mesh where mesh vertices act as particles in mass spring model and non-visible springs attached to them to provide cloth behavior.
In mass-spring model, there are three kind of springs as illustrated in Figure-1:
- Structural Springs
- Shear Springs
- Flexion Springs
Since we are talking about springs that we have seen in high school, their motion is modeled by Hooke’s Law [2] and other laws of motion. As described in Provot’s paper [1] there are three types of forces acting on each particle, I have also added wind force to my implementation to generate a real cloth simulation:
- $F_{int}$: Internal spring force, modeled using Hooke’s law
- $F_{damp}$: Damping force
- $F_{grav}$: Gravitation force
- $F_{wind}$: Wind force
that are computed as following equations that are described in Figure-2 below:
Moreover, since we have $F_{total} = F_{int} + F_{damp} + F_{grav} + F_{wind}$ acting on each particle, by using highschool physics we know that $F=ma$ where $m$ is particle mass, we can easily find particle acceleration $a$. Since acceleration of particle $a=\begin{equation}\frac{\partial V}{\partial t}\end{equation}$ we can obtain velocity by integration $V=\int{adt}$ and find new position of particle accordingly using $\delta{t}$. To do that in an easy way and not to deal with exact integration, I have used well known numerical integration technique called as Verlet Integration [3].
Verlet integration finds new position of a particle as follows at each iteration:
$x’=2x - x^* + a\delta{t}$
$x^* = x$
where $x$ is current position of particle, $x^*$ is previous position of particle and $x’$ is next position of particle
- Generate a grid of particles
- Connect each particle with the all three kinds of springs.
- Generate trianglulated vertices from the particles on the grid.
- Calculate texture coordinates and normals.
- Render cloth.
Main simulation loop
- Apply gravity force to each particle of the cloth.
- Apply wind force to each face(triangle) of the cloth.
- Apply a total spring force to each particle due to all springs that
this particle is involved.
- Determine new positions of the particles due to sum of three
forces above, using Verlet Integration.
- Generate trianglulated vertices from the particles on the grid.
Calculate normals.
- Render cloth.
My results for cloth simulation using a 20x30 cloth grid are as follows:
1 - Xavier Provot, “Deformation Constraints in a MassSpring Model”
2 - Hooke’s Law