Texture Mapping
![Simple Texture Mapping](https://istemi-bahceci.github.io/blog/assets/6//simple_texture.png)
Figure-1: Simple texture mapping
Figure-2: Texture mapping on ellipsoids
![Killeroo model](https://istemi-bahceci.github.io/blog/assets/6//killeroo_diffuse_specular_texture_final.png)
Figure-3: Killeroo model in a grid room
![Depth of Field Effect](https://istemi-bahceci.github.io/blog/assets/6//killeroo_diffuse_specular_texture_sand.png)
Figure-4: Killeroo model on a sand texture
Figure-5: Procedural Perlin Noise texture examples
Figure-6: Spherical texture mapping with earth texture and bilinear filtering, and contribution of diffuse shading is blended with texture color
Figure-6: Spherical texture mapping with earth texture and bilinear filtering, texture color overrides diffuse shading contributions
Figure-6: Spherical texture mapping with earth texture and nearest filtering, texture color overrides diffuse shading contributions